People think true crime writing is a glamorous job. And it is when it isn’t swallowing you wholly into its dark heart. There’s an old true crime clichΓ© – β€œthe husband did it!” You know, ninety-nine times out of a hundred, the husband did do it....

When the wave of virus pandemics in the 2020s and 2030s made travel abroad impossible, I really missed it. It felt like a First World problem, complaining about a lack of holidays. I mean, it’s not like I’d died, got any lingering illnesses, or lost anyone...

Growing up, my dream was to be a journalist. Maybe I’d watched too many movies, but I loved the idea of chasing down big stories and going undercover to investigate huge scoops. Mingling with the rich and famous and being first on the scene of...

I hate Friday nights. Lately, I just hate them. I rolled a six this time, so I can breathe easily for another week. I turn away from the poor suckers still rolling the dice. I can't watch. The only sound in the room is the small crack...

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