Woodard Hall was empty.Β  All the university workers were gone for the day, but it didn’t matter whether the building was occupied or not; it always felt empty.Β  The long corridors sprinkled with muted orange lights drained all the energy out of the building, like...

Mr. Vanhin had a wonderful day.Β  He woke up at 5 am, said his morning prayers, and cooked himself a full breakfast, complete with fried eggs, sausages, and bacon.Β  At 10 am, after a short nap in his favorite armchair, he grabbed his cane, put...

Scratch scratch scratch scratch scratch β€œHello?” Scratch scratch scratch scratch β€œHello? Somebody? Anybody?!” Scratch scratch scratch scratch β€œCan anybody hear me?! Please! Please, get me out of here!” Casey stirred. He couldn’t see anything, but he could hear her loud and clear. β€œDove? Is that you?” Of course it was. Her voice was...

The Mandela Effect. That phrase never meant anything to me. Spooky, I guess, but it wasn’t something I thought about for more than five minutes. I mean, honestly, until college, I didn’t even know what it was. I’m not one for conspiracy theories or ghost...

Nobody believes in vampires.Β  They’re just myths. Old folktales that have been bastardized by cinema, pulp horror and cheap romance.Β  Done to death until they’re nothing but a clichΓ©.Β  Only children are afraid of them, which is a far cry from the fear they once...

β€œThe year is nineteen-ninety-nine.” That sentence brings me back to my senior kindergarten class when I was five years old, where we used to read out the date on the blackboard every single day. The year 1999 exists as a stain in my mind, however, as...

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