My daughter Hannah had always had a fascination with bugs of all kinds.Β  She collected them and kept them in a terrarium she insisted I buy for her when she was six.Β  It was on a constant rotation as her interests changed; when she was...

I looked at the phone.Β  I waited for the text to come back.Β  It was maybe about ten, fifteen minutes. That hideous face popped up on the screen, with the reply. β€œYou didn't do the last task I asked of you.Β  Now, there will be consequences.” The last...

I missed the scorching wind of Andalusia. How it pours sunlight onto your face, toying with eyelashes, flattening dry sand against cheeks and milling around hair. I missed the smell of the valley and that ripening softness of Muscat fluff glistening in the afternoon breeze. From...

It’s just a legend. But… I suppose… that’s what most of those unbelievable things turn out to be… legends. I heard this legend from my grandmother. I asked her about it when I saw her drawing the Easter Island heads on a piece of construction paper. Actually,...

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