Spider-Eating Contest

📅 Published on May 25, 2021

“Spider-Eating Contest”

Written by Mike James Davis
Edited by Craig Groshek
Thumbnail Art by Craig Groshek
Narrated by N/A

Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on CreepypastaStories.com are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed, adapted to film, television or audio mediums, republished in a print or electronic book, reposted on any other website, blog, or online platform, or otherwise monetized without the express written consent of its author(s).

🎧 Available Audio Adaptations: None Available


Rating: 7.60/10. From 5 votes.
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His teeth crunched into another handful of spiders. The pimple popping nature of their exploding abdomens under his gnashing teeth made Jay sick to his stomach. The way too audible sound of the popping didn’t help either.

“Looks like that’s another five spiders, Jay! You’re falling behind!” Josh mumbled through a mouthful of spider bits, the flecks of legs spraying out. He grinned widely with chunks of freshly chewed spider stuck in his teeth. Never go up against Josh in a spider-eating contest.

Josh wrapped his dirty fingers around another old floorboard in the abandoned house. The rusty nails gave way and the board snapped like a dusty old cracker and underneath, dozens of fat-bellied spiders scrambled away, perhaps knowing what Josh intended to do with them. His hand broke through the nest of old webbing and the panicked spiders bit him frantically, but Josh didn’t even flinch. As the spiders tried to escape or fight, Josh pointed with his other hand and counted each of them.

“Oh ho ho, Jay! Looks like I have another eight of these delicious mother fuckers! Ha-ha, just like their eight legs or eight eyes!” He threw them into his mouth. A few tried to web away, but Josh was able to wrangle them in without much difficulty. In his mouth, the spiders again did their best to flee Josh’s hungry maw, but his tongue whipped around and sucked in all eight spiders. Once more, guts popped out of his obnoxious, open-mouthed chewing. Through his sloppy chomping, Josh mocked Jay, “Looks like that makes it 58 to what? Four? You got some catching up to do, buddy!” Josh laughed, half choking on the half-living spiders.

Jay stared with his lip curled in repulsion. His own face was pale and sweaty. Gulping a long, wet, loud gulp, he looked at the juicy spider he had pinched between his fingers. Jay knew it wasn’t possible, but the look of the spider made it seem anxious or nervous, perhaps even silently begging for mercy. It was a very plump spider, perhaps even pregnant. Josh told him that he’d let Jay count it as two. Its legs flicked wildly and tried mightily to bite Jay’s fingertips with its sharp mandibles. Jay looked right into the disgusting, black eyes of the thing. The fear was quite evident now, but Jay had to do what he had to do. You don’t just back out of a spider-eating contest. As a man, what honor do you have left? Jay dangled the terror-stricken arachnid over his tongue and dropped it.

The quick chewy did nothing to improve the simultaneously squishy and crunchy texture. Hot pus squished between his teeth. Then he felt the crawling. It turned out that this little lady was indeed pregnant and carrying an untold amount of spiderlings in her swollen belly. They spilled loose from their mother’s mangled body and flooded Jay’s mouth, scurrying everywhere, coating his tongue, and squeezing between the gaps of his teeth. Jay stumbled back, trying to keep his mouth closed, but the thousands of little spider feet tickled his uvula and he gagged, coughing up some of the babies.

Josh’s attention turned to Jay. His fist full of spiders wriggled free from his dirty, red bite-covered hand. Jay felt awful. He tried to frantically chew up the spiderlings as they scuttled out of his mouth, around his teeth and tongue, and down his throat. Their virgin webs crisscrossed randomly for they knew not what this world was or how to survive.

Josh looked worried and began running over to Jay. A pregnant spider was like hitting the jackpot in a spider-eating contest! Through his struggle and revulsion, Jay realized this too. Maybe he can still win. He grabbed his bottle of water and washed down what was already in his mouth and then tried to scrape the escapees back into his wet lips. Their poor little bodies were mashed and ripped apart against Jay’s stubble, but he didn’t care. He showed no mercy.

Josh tackled Jay. A pregnant spider like that could have up to a thousand spiderlings. Even if they agreed that spiderlings only count as a tenth of a spider in the spider-eating contest, that would still give Jay 100 points and that would be disastrous for Josh. So, Josh threw his body full force into Jay. Together, they crashed through the sagging drywall and into the next room. Dust and mold spores filled the air, making them both cough. More spiders spilled from the open hole, but the true prize was still crawling all over Jay. The spiderlings covered his face and neck almost completely. Josh lunged in tongue-first and began licking up as many as he could.

“Cheater! These are mine!” Jay gurgled with a throat full of spiderlings. He punched Josh right in the chops with a now spiderling-covered fist. He hit with enough force to dislodge a spider bits-covered tooth from Josh’s jaw, splattering his cheek in translucent yellow guts. Jay started slurping up the remaining spiderlings from his hands as fast as humanly possible before Josh could retaliate, but before he could, the rotting floor gave way and they both dropped into the cellar.

The cellar was beyond thick with webs and spider activity and the two men were almost cushioned as they fell to the basement floor. They both coughed hard, lung rattling coughs, feeling as though they each inhaled a substantial amount of dusty webs. Aside from the hole above them, the dirty spider silk obscured any obvious way out of the cellar. Josh tried to shuffle forward but crawling through the webs felt like wading through molasses. The spiders down here were much more evasive and distant.

“Josh…” Jay laid flat on his back wheezing. “We gotta get out of this basement.” Jay did his best to look around, but he couldn’t find Josh anywhere. All he could see was the thick, dusty tan cobwebs in the dim light. The spiderlings once covering his face and hands had disappeared during the fall. Jay tried to sit up, but a stinging pain shot up his leg. Though it was hard to tell, it appeared as though Jay’s ankles were shattered. He coughed again, bloody this time, and feeling dazed

A sense of dread swelled up in Jay. The environment around got much colder, much darker, much more foreboding. He tried to drag his broken body away, in any direction. He didn’t know where, but he knew he had to move. As he clawed through the webs which seemed to be getting thicker and thicker, he felt a tug on his broken ankle. It was ensnared. The pain was immense, and Jay gurgled out a yell from a partially blocked throat. Jay tugged again, but he was stuck. Silently, without him even realizing it, his leg had been webbed to the floor. Jay screamed again, trying to be even louder, but his cries were completely muffled.

Then he saw Josh’s face through the forest. It was pale and sickly. His eyes stared blankly ahead. There was a brief moment of relief, but then Josh’s body lurched forward unnaturally. Jay desperately tried to free himself from his silken fetters because the Josh he saw now was not the Josh he fell down here with.

Josh’s body was cocooned from the neck down and being clutched by a giant spider leg. Silently, the great eyes of a massive spider came into Jay’s focus. Great glossy, black orbs piercing Jay’s fragile soul. He knew it was too late for him.

He should have never challenged Josh to a spider-eating contest.

Rating: 7.60/10. From 5 votes.
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🎧 Available Audio Adaptations: None Available

Written by Mike James Davis
Edited by Craig Groshek
Thumbnail Art by Craig Groshek
Narrated by N/A

🔔 More stories from author: Mike James Davis

Publisher's Notes: N/A

Author's Notes: N/A

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Copyright Statement: Unless explicitly stated, all stories published on CreepypastaStories.com are the property of (and under copyright to) their respective authors, and may not be narrated or performed, adapted to film, television or audio mediums, republished in a print or electronic book, reposted on any other website, blog, or online platform, or otherwise monetized without the express written consent of its author(s).

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