When you have been a priest for as long as I have, you start to notice patterns in people. When a parishioner approaches, I can already guess what they want to ask me by their body language or the way their eyes flicker to meet...

06β€œThey told me you were experienced in harsh waters,” James said, as he pointed out the pearls of sweat that had formed on my forehead. β€œYeah, I do,” I replied, moments before hurling the remnants of a less-than-appetizing lunch, off the side of our ship. β€œIt’s just...

Part One: The Beginning I’m calling it Black Vein Blues. It makes sense if you think about it. About a month ago it started, slow and quiet. I had just come home from school to find my father prodding at the corpse of a gator that washed...

Hello. If you’re listening to this then I’ve been found, and there will be questions. Oh yes, questions aplenty. I’m sure the first of which will be β€˜Why?’ And that is a great one to start with but it’s also the one which doesn’t have an answer....

β€œHey, Red. Bum a smoke?” She was standing by the vending machines, so still I almost walked right past her without noticing. Blame it on highway hypnosis; I’d been driving for hours with nothing to focus on except miles of cornfields and the pavement ahead of...

When I was a kid, my mom thought the world was a very dangerous place.Β  It wasn’t just her, either – all parents seemed afflicted with this strange mania that made them believe around every dark corner, in any shadow lurked something unspeakable ready to...

Dear Sir, I won’t pretend to feel anything other than a deep dread atΒ theΒ receipt of your letter. How you came by my name and of my involvement inΒ theΒ mentionedΒ incidentΒ causes me a great deal of consternation, consideringΒ theΒ effort I have made overΒ theΒ years to hide my presence atΒ theΒ event. I have heard...

I am a musician. Not a terribly great one, but still, I consider myself a musician. I can play with the best of them, and I know my way around an instrument or two. More importantly, I am a collector. A collector of various items...

β€œYour hair smells nice.” That was the first thing he said to me. β€œSaid” is too weak a word, even. Whispered. Oozed. He oozed those words into my ear, an invasion as unwelcome as if he had stuck his actual tongue inside. My back was to him,...

--Case #40157J –Paranormal Research Division-- Confiscated from Cairo police department on 3/8/2020 Journal entries from Canadian-American researcher Steven K. Simms Journal discovered in descending passageway near entrance to Pyramid of Khufu, Egypt Case status: OPEN -Dr. Simms research log entry 3/7/2020 3:28 PM I’ve arrived at Cairo International Airport and will...

Everyone that served in the sandbox has a story about the war following them home. Some it’s about the things they saw, some about the things that happened to them, or the people β€” the brothers and sisters they served with. Some, if they’re honest...

Monday, September 9 I can’t go back to the shop anymore.Β  I had thought it was safe, but I was wrong.Β  It caught me by surprise.Β  It was… it was too much.Β  I probably shouldn’t have blown up the way that I did.Β  That was stupid.Β ...

Deep in the woods, there’s a beautiful mansion. In this mansion, would seem to be a happy home. In the back garden and in the front yard: children play, laugh, and have fun. There is no mother and father, so to speak, just as almost...

You know how you’ll sometimes be driving, and it suddenly clicks that you spaced out for most of the trip and don’t recall a chunk of time on the road? That was what happened this morning as I pulled off the freeway and realized that...

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