Found this journal in an old storage locker I had taken possession of.Β  It’s dated in the summer of 1985, and the pages are curled, smelling faintly of popcorn.Β  As for the contents…well, go ahead and start reading. June 1 Infiltrating Funtasia’s Dreamscape Circus was easier than...

Pirarucu. The Brazilian name for β€œthe red fish,” known among scientific circles as the arapaima. If you’ve never heard of β€œthe red fish” before now, then prepare yourself, because you won’t be forgetting it anytime soon. Imagine a living torpedo, pushing ten feet and five hundred pounds...

Ford Street Bridge - Minneapolis, MinnesotaΒ  Wednesday, September 10, 2021 - 11:55 p.m. EST Willis, hurry your ass up! Can’t you hear all those popping off like Fourth of July fireworks, and the sky’s a funky-ass green. Ronny told us all to leave over two hours...

Chapter 1: Clyde and Rachel β€œClyde, won’t you please come to bed with meβ€”it’s late, honey.” My eyes ached from the strain of staring into the screen for hour after hour. The screen thoughβ€”is my vehicle. My vehicle to the world I’d been creating and now wished...

You probably think you’ve heard every scary β€œwe went on vacation to a cabin” story ever told, but I promise you, you’ve never heard anything like what happened to my wife and me.Β  There were no ghosts, no demons, no madmen stalking us through the...

He turned away from the group and went quickly down the road and on into the woods. A voice called Bradley behind him, but he paid it no heed. He began to move faster and faster until he was almost running full-tilt through the trees,...

I cannot deny that my chosen profession is one of great fascination andβ€”truth be toldβ€”amusement for myself.Β  I am sure the same does not always hold true for the clients I serve, but that is of no consequence of concern for yours truly.Β  I am...

β€œDr. Annelise Fowler,” β€œAnnie, no one calls me Annelise.” β€œAlright then, Annie.” β€œYou can call me Dr. Fowler.” Agent Romero slips a cigarette out of his pack, β€œYou mind if I smoke, Doctor? Would you like one?” β€œI would mind, and no, I would not like a cigarette. Let’s just...

Who else could’ve asked for a more perfect Christmas morning? The skies not quite dark yet not quite bright, snowflakes gently pelting against the windows, the fireplace giving a warm, comforting glow, and the tree itself sparkling with glitter and multi-colored lights (in this case,...

Aggie circled the address and folded up the paper. It had taken almost seven years for the Pittsburgh Observer to return listing real estate in their Saturday edition. Luckily with the recession having decreased enough to beckon a mini housing boom back to the Pittsburgh...

My great aunt Mildred absolutely adored yard sales. That woman could haggle a tortoise from its shell. I tagged along a lot because she kept me while my parents were at work. She'd let me pick random junk, and she was an expert haggler when...

β€œBreaker one-nine, breaker one-nine.”  BOOLEEP. Nothing. β€œBreaker one-nine.Β  Anyone copy?”  BOOLEEP. Glen took a swipe at my hand as I attempted to key up the base station radio mic once more. β€œGive it up,”  he belched.Β  β€œYou lost another one, man.”  He crumpled his empty can of MGD onto...

Wendel pulled at the vines, damp with dew, that were in his way.Β  He had been trudging through the trees since sundown.Β  The air held a dampness and a chill, but he still sweated with the exertion of making this journey.Β  It was not something...

Henry stepped towards the witch, torch blazing in his hand.Β  He smiled at the sight of her being tied to the stake.Β  They were wrapping her in iron chains this time.Β  She wouldn’t be escaping, not again.Β  No one else’s family would die by her...

Dan stepped towards the water’s edge with a smile and a stretch.Β  β€œIt really is beautiful out here.Β  Thanks for inviting me.” β€œDon’t,”  David said, grabbing his arm. Dan looked down at the arm on his, then up to the man it belonged to, meeting his all...

I don’t go into the woods.Β  There are things in there, things that drive my anxiety through the roof at the mere thought of coming close to them.Β  A casual hiker may not notice them, lying low and deep within the surrounding foliage.Β  On a...

I’m on the lookout for a new job, but I think it’s time that I got a job that has nothing at all to do with IT.Β  I mean nothing.Β  No computers.Β  No keyboards, mice, motherboards, wired networks, wireless networks.Β  Definitely no PEBKAC (look it...

Last year BloodyDisgusting gave it 4 out of 5 screams. Fangoria Magazine touted it as β€œthe most original haunted house concept on the market.” But you shouldn’t believe the reviews.Β  No, really; don’t. Full Moon Flights is not what it seems. According to the brochure, they are a modern...

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