β€œCome on, Sienna, hurry up! I’m gonna get drenched if I stay out here!” Even with the threat of getting soaked in ice-cold rain, I did not want to get out of the car. I didn’t even want to go out tonight, my plans were to...

Milton was making his rounds through the old facility, which housed the lunatics and those who were deemed too dangerous or unstable for the community.Β  In this psychiatric hospital, this lunatic asylum, this mental institution or, as others endearingly called it, β€˜the sanitarium,’ Milton was...

Winning an all-expenses paid trip without any catches is quite rare from my experience.Β  There is something unfamiliar with awards, triumphs, and real success for most adults.Β  Take winning the lottery, for instance; how much money does a person sink into that abyss of no...

I am barricaded by self-design.Β  I have enclosed myself, shut off from the world except for takeaways, home deliveries.Β  The ugliness of sound, reverberations, noises, vibrations are a tormentor of my every nerve.Β  Much to my annoyance, I have been unable thus far to escape...

Rain poured down in unforgiving torrents. The windshield in Darius’ Uber taxi was steamy despite him setting the defogger to full blast. Visibility was nil except for the blurry blobs of streetlights that intermittently illuminated the windshield. Darius was fighting to stay awake in the...

The sun makes an unwelcoming appearance as Patrick Fitz wakes to a frozen morning. His head throbs as the first rays of sunlight slice through the parted curtains and reach his retinas, which causes him to growl and turn away. His newly found drinking habit...

There was no coming back from this point. That was Micheal’s only thought, as he ventured deeper into the jungle. Humidity was something he was more than used to coming from Australia. But the insects, oversized trees, and bushes were something else entirely. The thick...

Roars and growls echo in the night sky from atop the peak. In its center, the two lycans lock each other in an unmerciful glare. They are both covered head to foot in lacerations. Both are exhausted, yet neither is willing to stop. One of...

β€œDark spaces and long empty traces of the world I have known Hope is fleeting, and history is repeating, hearts have turned to stone Voices calling the dogs are mauling, and no one answers back Echoes are silence, tomorrow will be violent There is nothing we can do about...

I want to wake up.Β  I truly do, but I cannot.Β  No matter how hard I try, regardless of my manifold tactics, I am sound asleep with the awareness of a man electrified.Β  I have no memory of ever being awake, yet I see and...

β€œBrother Vance, tell us the latest prophecy!Β  Surely you have seen more by now?”  The man before me was a wiry, tall creature with hair that seemed to be trying to run from the center of his head as though it might escape some impending...

1 My mom told me about Dad’s quirky habit of sleeping under the bed when he was young. My dad was a tough cookie, so hearing such a thing about him made it hard to believe. I guess his father had been in the Navy. Mom...

β€œLook darling, isn’t the snow beautiful tonight?” She said nothing, simply remaining stiff in the aged wooden chair. He smiled and continued to sip from his mug of hot chocolate. He found her cold, silent demeanor adorable, one of a number of things he had come...

Let me tell you a true story that I made up. You heard it right. I might not have witnessed it unfurl, I might not have heard it secondhand, thirdhand, or twenty-seventhhand. No one can even prove it happened just the way it did. But I...

The rank aroma of something rotted, like maggot-infested roadkill underneath the blistering summer sun, slams into his nostrils. No, it smells like the spoiled packages of hamburger he discovered in the refrigerator after his mother’s death. Stifling the gag reflex, he waves his arms to...

1 Shad Hankins pushed the tavern’s shutters open, and stepped through, leaving them swinging behind, as he stopped just inside. His dirty off-white canvas riding coat hung nearly to the floor, dripping rainwater from the cold wet storm he’d been riding in. While his eyes adjusted...

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